Legal Notices in


Proudly serving attorneys, governmental institutions and
those in need of placing a court-ordered legal notice.

Legal Notice Placement in Honduras Newspapers

We place your court-ordered legal notice in the most appropriate newspaper according to your needs.

You'll notice how easy, fast and efficient we make this happen.

- Placement of your court-ordered legal notice in any of the below newspaper(s)
- Certified translating into Spanish
- Notarized Affidavit of Publication with tear sheet (proof of publication)
- Pre-press proof of notice to final size

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Newspapers in Honduras:

La Nacion Newspaper in Honduras

El Heraldo

Type: Daily morning newspaper
Format: Tabloid
Language: Spanish
Founder: Jorge Larach
Headquarters: San Pedro Sula
Founded: November 26, 1979
Circulation: 60,000
Distribution: National


La Prensa Newspaper in Honduras

La Prensa

La Prensa is an independent newspaper, whose publications also include El Heraldo and Diario Deportivo Diez. It has full color tabloid-sized pages. Although it is distributed all across the country, it is in the north area of Honduras where its presence is more important.

Type: Daily newspaper
Format: Tabloid
Language: Spanish
Founded: October 26, 1964
Founded by: Organizacion Publicitaria, S.A
Headquarters San Pedro Sula, Honduras
Circulation: 60,000
Distribution: National


Tiempo Newspaper in Honduras

El Tiempo

Type: Daily newspaper
Format: Broadsheet
Language: Spanish
Owner: Jaime Rosenthal
Headquarters San Pedro Sula, Honduras
Distribution: National

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International Legal Notices

We place your legal notice in newspapers anywhere in the world including China.

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Destination Guide Books

Complete publishing services of elegant, coffee table style guide books for your destination's guest rooms

Domain Name Registration and Website Hosting

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