Give your guests a proper Welcome.
Publication of elegant hard cover coffee table style books for placement in the hotel guest rooms of your destination.
Our elegant and prestigious hard cover books will enhance the visit of the traveler, reaching farther than any other publication. They allow you to reach the travelers in the comfort of their rooms as they plan their itineraries, activities and entertainment. Discover why our guides surpass any other guides in its quality, coverage and useful information.
Each guide also has its own destination website allowing the traveler to learn about your destination before arriving, and during their stay.
Typically we work with hotel associations, tourism boards and strong businesses interested in reaching travelers.
Our guides sleep next to our readers!
• Layout and
• Copywriting
• Photography
• Premium quality printing and binding
• Ad sales and collections
• Revenue sharing
Focused on your specific goals, we get you there seamlessly and effortlessly.
We place your legal notice in newspapers anywhere in the world including China.
Let the world see the real you, the bigger picture, all you're capable of
Complete publishing services of elegant, coffee table style guide books for your destination's guest rooms
Choose and register a domain name then create and show your website to the world
Well, you've come this far...hit the Contact Us button and let's talk turkey. We have a book that needs to be published in a fabulous destination.
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